Thursday 5 January 2012

Some Important Questions..!!!

Q1. The area of an equilateral triangle is 49 3 cm2.. Taking each vertex of a centre, a circle is drawn with radius equal to half the length of the side of the triangle. Find the area of the shaded portion.                                                                                                                        (CBSE 2009)
Area of ABC = 493 cm2
3 / 4 a2 = 49√3
a2 = 49 * 4 = 14cm

radius of each circle = 7cm

Required area = Area of ABC – 3 * ( area of sector )
{ 49√3 – 3( 60/ 360 * 22/ 7 * 72)}cm2
(49√3 – 77)cm2
(49 * 1.73 – 77)cm2

Q2:AB and CD are two diameters of a circle intersecting each other at centre O and OD is the diameter of the smaller circle. If OA= 7cm, find the area of the shaded region.       (CBSE 2010)
Area of shaded region = (Area of circle with OD as diameter) + 
Area of semicircle with AB as diameter – Area of ABC
* (7/ 2)2 + 1/ 2 * * (7)2 – 1/ 2 * AB * OC
{ ∏/ 4 * 49 + ∏/ 2 * 49 – 1/ 2 * 14 * 7}cm2
( 3∏ / 4 * 49 – 49)cm2
(3/ 4 * 22/ 7 * 49 – 49)cm2
231- 98 / 2 cm2

Q3:Find the area of the shaded region if PQ= 24cm, PR= 7cm and O is the centre of the circle.
                                                                                                                                           (CBSE 2009)
As, RPQ is angle in a semicircle
therefore, it is a right angle.

Using Pythagoras Theorm:-
RQ2 = RP2 + PQ2
RQ2 = 72 + 242
RQ2 = 625
RQ= 25cm

Radius of circle = 1/ 2 RQ = 25/ 2cm

Area of shaded region = Area of semicircle – Area of RPQ
= 1/ 2 r2 – 1/ 2 * PR * PQ
= {1/ 2 * 22/ 7 * (25/ 2)2 – 1/ 2 * 7 * 24}cm2
= {6875/ 28 – 84}cm2
= 4523/ 28cm

Q4: In the adjoining figure, ABC is a right angled triangle at A. Find the area of the shaded region if AB= 6cm, BC= 10cm and O is the centre of circle.                                                 (CBSE 2009)
Using Pythagoras Theorm in ABC:-
BC2 = AB2 + AC2
AC2 = BC2 – AB2
AC2 = 100 – 36 = 64
AC= 8cm

Therefore, Area of triangle ABC = 1/ 2 * AB * AC
= 1/ 2 * 6 * 8 = 24cm2
Area of ABC = area of OBC + area of OCA + area of OAB
24 = 1/ 2 (BC* r) + 1/ 2 (CA * r) + 1/ 2 (AB * r)
24 = 1/ 2 r ( BC + CA + AB)
24 = 1/ 2 r (10 + 8 +6)
24 = 12r
r = 2cm

Area of shaded region = Area of ABC – Area of circle
= 24 - r2
= (24 – 22/ 7 * 4)cm2
= 80/ 7cm2

                                          More important questions will be posted soon..!!!

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